Radio Ad # 242 – The Walton and Johnson Show
Nick’s Plumbing & Sewer Services Walton & Johnson Spot Transcript:
Ever since the big freeze, the most recent, and pipes busting when they thawed out. A lot of people have been telling horror stories about, “oh, I, I had to go and, and get this plumber to do that, and they charge this much and they wouldn’t come back and finish the job.”
Go with Nick’s Plumbing. Okay? ‘Cause that’s what you need.
You need the pros, that’s who we use now. We don’t all live together, obviously, but, every one of us here has had Nick’s Plumbing come over to the house. Separate houses, yeah. And, and fix stuff.
Yeah, it’s true. I’ve used Nick’s Plumbing before.
Me too.
I’ve heard a lot of plumbers in town are jacking up their rates now that…
Oh yeah.
…the big storm happened. Nick’s Plumbing doesn’t do that. In fact, if you go to Nick’s, you can get financed, you can join their Smart VIP plan. You could schedule an appointment, all at Nick’s
And you know what else they do? Uh, Nick’s also real good at that, uh, heat and air conditioning repair too.
Well, well, that would be Nick’s Air The same people as Nick’s And they’ve been doing it since the seventies. Family owned and operated, got Houston’s back every time there’s a winter storm.
Radio Ad # 241 – The Walton and Johnson Show
Nick’s Plumbing & Sewer Services Walton & Johnson Spot Transcript:
If you had a pipe burst, you’re probably gonna need someone to fix it for ya.
Well, yeah, you might need a plumber.
And we have a good one. I know everybody here at the Walton & Johnson Show, uh, we’ve all called Nick’s.
It’s a smart idea. You can go to their website at Nicks But remember, it’s more than just plumbing because in this cold weather, if you’re having an issue with your heater, you also call Nick.
That’s right. Nick’s, uh, Air Conditioning and Heating, Nick’s Plumbing. And by the way, home or commercial service, repairs and installation.
Whether you need an HVAC tech or a plumber, Nick’s and Nick’s Air are to the rescue. They even have a Smart VIP plan if you need service regularly.
That’s right. They also have over 40 years in the business. So that’s a, a lot of experience coming your way.
Very smart. LooK, in this winter storm. We know it can be tough out there. Trust Nick’s Plumbing, trust, Nick’s Air Conditioning. They got your back.
Radio Ad # 240 – The Walton and Johnson Show
Nick’s Plumbing & Sewer Services Walton & Johnson Spot Transcript:
They told you it was gonna get cold, it got cold, and you may not have turned down your heater in a while. You just flipped it on, and it smells funny.
That’s weird. What’s that all about?
Yeah, well, you know, you need a professional to tell you.
I know a guy.
That does AC and heating?
Yeah. You know, Nick, from Nick’s Plumbing.
He does plumbing.
Right, well, Nick’s is also Nick’s Air
With over 40 years’ experience and, and all of this, I mean, that’s why we use him. Uh, Nick’s Plumbing and Nick’s AC both come out, visit me at my place, how ‘bout you?
Yeah, absolutely. You could get a Smart VIP membership program that starts at $24.99 per month. Go to their website today, Nick’s, Nick’s Air Learn all about it. They will save you money. They could possibly prevent your next catastrophe.
Now are they licensed and background checked and all that kind of stuff? ‘Cause that’s important to me.
Yeah, of course. They’re licensed and background checked.
Yeah. And highly experienced. They vet, they’ve been at this a long time.
High quality service at a low cost. Nick’s Nick’s Air
Radio Ad # 239 – The Walton and Johnson Show
Nick’s Plumbing & Sewer Services Walton & Johnson Spot Transcript:
Boy. I’ll tell you, a friend of mine just made the mistake of his life.
What’s that?
Well, something’s wrong with his AC unit. So he tried to use one of those cheap guys he found, uh, outside of the, uh, the Home Depot.
You know what happens when you pay cheap? You end up paying twice or more.
Yeah, man. That’s the thing. Sometimes when you go to the fancy plumber or the fancy AC guy, they charge you too much to do that work. And if only there was a middle ground where you could get high quality work done at a low cost.
Alright, so you want high quality?
I want high quality. Like you would get from Nick’s Plumbing.
Yeah. Right.
Or Nick’s AC. But you also want the lower cost, which you could also get at Nick’s.
Wait a second. You’re telling me Nick’s and Nick’s Air both have low cost…
…but also have high-quality work?
That’s true! But if you go too cheap, then you’re gonna end up calling Nick’s the next time and they’ll have to fix whatever the other guy did wrong.
Look, if you’re having issues with your AC unit, uh, busted pipe from frozen water, whatever, Nicks, Nicks Air, high-quality service, low cost
Radio Ad # 238 – The Walton and Johnson Show
Nick’s Plumbing & Sewer Services Walton & Johnson Spot Transcript:
You know, and I know that when the holidays come around, whether it’s Christmas or “Cha-nuka”, or Kwanza, you have that loved one that’s gonna go into the bathroom and they’re gonna be in there for an awkwardly long time. And you’re gonna wonder if they fell in.
But, but actually they had a little too much fruitcake and then your plumbing prevented them from being able to get rid of that fruitcake. You really have yourself to blame.
This is a tough time a year on your plumbing system. That’s why we recommend Nick’s Plumbing. Keep the number handy. Have it on speed dial or, or go ahead and call him and just introduce yourself and tell him, I’m probably gonna be calling back here in a day or two. So know me.
Now, Billy Ed, I’m well on board with this idea. But I thought you said Nick was an air conditioning, HVAC repair guy.
Well, think about this. How many times have you switched from heat to cold on your AC system in the last two weeks?
I’m sorry. Are you saying they do plumbing in air conditioning?
Well, Nick’s Plumbing does plumbing, Nick’s Air Conditioning, does HVAC.
And it’s the same guy?
It’s the same people. Nick’s, Nick’s Air Family-owned and operated since 1979.
They’re experts.
Radio Ad # 237 – The Walton and Johnson Show
Nick’s Plumbing & Sewer Services Walton & Johnson Spot Transcript:
Christmas is coming and I, I gotta think when your mother-in-law’s staying in your house, you’re gonna want the toilet in the guest room to work. ‘Cause if she’s using your bathroom, that’s gonna be a bad holiday experience.
Yeah. Tell her to stay on her side of the house. Make sure that everything’s working smoothly. Especially this time of the year between Thanksgiving and Christmas. We do a lot of eating around here. And that means that is a, uh, what you call, uh, high traffic time for your pipes.
So who could you call to do the maintenance and repair work?
Well, obviously Nick’s Plumbing. We always, uh, recommend Nick’s Plumbing ’cause that’s who we all individually use at our homes.
Wait a second. Nick’s Plumbing? I thought it was Nick’s Air Conditioning.
Now that’s if you need a AC or, or heating work and some people do need that, then you wanna call, uh, uh, Nick’s AC.
So you can go to Nick’s
Or Nick’s Air
Same great local family operated business since the 1970s.
Since way back when, yes, sir.
Uh, let, let Nick do it.
Radio Ad # 236 – The Walton and Johnson Show
Nick’s Plumbing & Sewer Services Walton & Johnson Spot Transcript:
Pretty soon your uncle is gonna be sitting in your bathroom during a Thanksgiving party and…
Oh dear.
You’re gonna wonder what the hell he’s doing in there. And it’s not…
And why is it taking so long?
Well, it’s not his fault. He can’t get the toilet to flush.
There’s a problem at this time of year, holidays and family visiting and big meals.
Yeah, stuff on your plumbing system. That’s why we tell you, keep Nick’s plumbing phone number handy. I mean, I’ve got it right there in the phone. I don’t have to look it up.
Sure. Uh, it’s an easy-to-remember number, but even easier to remember is Nick’s You know they have another website, Nick’s Air
Yep. You probably don’t want ’em to fix your toilet, uh, but you do need air conditioning and maybe heat someday. You know? So make sure that’s working right.
Smart idea. Nicks Nicks Air, a great locally operated family run business that’s been in Houston since the 1970s.
I’ve been at it for over 40 years, in fact. That number, by the way, is 713-868-9907.