The Potty Mouth Guys Show Archive

Richard Saad and John Eccles at the Potty Mouth Guys Show

The Rising Cost of HVAC & Plumbing Services in Houston Let’s face it. We’re all feeling the pinch of higher prices.  Over the past few years, the cost of living has been steadily rising, affecting both households and businesses in Houston. From groceries to gasoline, everyday expenses have increased, putting a strain on budgets and reshaping spending habits. Inflation, supply chain issues, and rising…
Two Experts Sitting at a News Desk in Houston Discuss Drain Cleaning

Houston Drain Cleaning Plumbing Services Nick's Plumbing & Air Conditioning Live Video Transcription: **This article contains certain outdated service and cost information. Some statements regarding fees may no longer be valid. On today’s show, it’s all about drain cleaning, plumbing services in Houston. I’m John Eccles Richard Saad. So today’s topic is all about drain, the types of…
Experts Sitting at a News Desk in Houston Discuss Finding a Plumbing Company Near You

Finding A Plumbing Company Near Me Nick's Plumbing & Air Conditioning Live Video Transcription: On today’s show. How do you find a plumber in Houston? Yeah, I’m John Eccles. Richard Saad. Question of the day, right? Absolutely. We’re all going to the Internet to find goods and services. Get things done at the house by things I need for the house,…
Two Experts Sitting at a News Desk in Houston Discuss Tankless Water Heaters

Do I Need A Tankless Water Heater? Nick's Plumbing & Air Conditioning Live Video Transcription: On today’s show, it’s all about tankless water heaters. John Eccles. Richard Saad. So why do you need it? Why do you want it? That’s the questions of the day, right? That’s right. A lot of people want it. Do they really need it? A lot…
Two Experts Sitting at a News Desk in Houston Discuss Sewer Line Replacement

Houston Sewer Line Replacement Nick's Plumbing & Air Conditioning Live Video Transcription: **This article contains certain outdated service and cost information. Some statements regarding fees may no longer be valid.   On today’s show, it’s all about sewer line replacement in Houston. Yeah, I’m John Eccles, Richard Saad. So John, why would you need it? Why would you want…
Plumbing Experts Sitting at a News Desk in Houston Answer Common Questions

Viewer Plumbing Questions #1 Nick's Plumbing & Air Conditioning Live Video Transcription: On today’s show, your questions, our answers. I’m John Eccles, Richard Saad. We’ll get an exciting video for you guys today. We’ve had a bunch of questions come in over the week we’ll pick the ones that are interesting to us that we’ll kind of talk about…
Plumbers Sitting at Houston News Desk Explain Clogged Kitchen Sink Drain Lines

Clogged Kitchen Sink Drains in Houston Nick's Plumbing & Air Conditioning Live Video Transcription: On today’s show, clogged kitchen sink. Drain Lines in Houston. Is that how you search it? I think maybe kitchen sink stoppage. I’m not sure how the my kitchen sink stopped. Up. Kitchen sink, clogged kitchen, sink stoppage and stuff coming up in my kitchen sink. There…
Experts Sitting at a News Desk in Downtown Houston Discuss Gas Line Inspections

Gas Line Inspections Nick's Plumbing & Air Conditioning Live Video Transcription: On today’s show, gas line inspections in Houston, John Eccles, Richard Saad, that was the dry run. All right, we’re good on the intro, right? Oh, well, I don’t know why. Just totally dazed out. There you go. On today’s show, gas line inspections in…
Plumbing Experts from Nick's Plumbing Sit at News Desk in Houston Discuss Drain Snakes

What is a Plumbing Snake? | What is a Drain Snake? Nick's Plumbing & Air Conditioning Live Video Transcription: Plumbing, snake. What is a drain snake? Yeah, Richard Saad. John Eccles. What’s the difference? Essentially those are the exact same thing. So when you guys are looking, what is a plumbing snake or what is a drain snake? You’re looking for the same thing. Now within…
Nick's Plumbing Experts Sit at News Desk in Houston to Discuss Water Heater Maintenance

Water Heater Maintenance Season Nick's Plumbing & Air Conditioning Live Video Transcription: Or heaters? No, no, no, no, no. Water heater maintenance season. Oh, I guess I was thinking about ducks. I’m John Eccles. Richard Saad. So we’re talking about water heater maintenance season and season on water heaters. And what does that mean? So what we’re talking…
Two Plumbing Experts Sitting at News Desk in Houston and Acting Cold

Preparing Your Plumbing for Winter in Houston Over the last decade, Houston’s winters have arrived later and left sooner, reducing the number of days that we experience cold weather every year. However, in the last decade, we have also witnessed the increasing severity of winter storms, namely the statewide cold snaps that essentially shut Texas down in February 2021 and January 2023. …
Plumbing Experts from Nick's Plumbing Sit at News Desk in Houston

Plumbing Snakes and Drain Cameras Nick's Plumbing & Air Conditioning Live Video Transcription: On today’s show, super excited. Andrew Martinez with drain cables is here. This is the guy that’s extremely busy, mostly in the field. You will never see him in our studio. This has taken me about four months to get him here. Welcome. Thank you. Thank you…
Plumbers Sitting at News Desk in Houston Discuss How To Become a Plumber

How to Become a Plumber in Houston Nick's Plumbing & Air Conditioning Live Video Transcription: On today’s show, how to become a plumber in Houston. I’m John Eccles. Richard Saad. Welcome y’all. So we’re going to discuss today is how to become a plumber in Houston and what it takes. Um, first of all, let’s talk about the job description of…
Plumbers Sitting at News Desk in Houston Discuss Costs of Water Heaters

How Much Do Water Heaters Cost and Last? Nick's Plumbing & Air Conditioning Live Video Transcription: On today’s show, it’s all about water heater cost in Houston. Why do you need one? Well, you know, you have to have one. I’m John Eccles. I’m Richard Saad. Thank you for tuning in today. All right, well let’s jump right in to feet. Today we’re…
Two of Nick's Plumbing Experts in Houston Talking and Smiling

Pex Pipe Installation and Repipe Nick's Plumbing & Air Conditioning Live Video Transcription: Hey guys, today’s topic is all about pex pipe installation in Houston. If you’re thinking about repiping your house, stay tuned. That’s what we’re discussing today. Bunch of options, what you need to know and why should you care. John Eccles. Good afternoon, Richard. Saad potty mouth…
Two of Nick's Plumbing Experts in Houston Talking

Sewer Line Replacement Nick's Plumbing & Air Conditioning Live Video Transcription: Wonderful co host is not here today. I apologize about that. That was my phone. Um, so yeah, he is actually the reason why we’re talking about this. He is onsite on a major project that’s going on that’s requiring him to do some in the field…
Two of Nick's Plumbing Experts in Houston Smiling and Looking at Each Other

Tankless Water Heater Repair Nick's Plumbing & Air Conditioning Live Video Transcription: Today’s topic, tankless water heater repair, John Eccles, Richard Saad, Nick’s plumbing  & Air Conditioning coming to you from the world headquarters in the Heights. Glad that you guys were watching the day. Tankless water heater repair is the topic we could talk for about an hour…
Two of Nick's Plumbing Experts in Houston Talking

Bathtub Installation, Repair and Maintenance Nick's Plumbing & Air Conditioning Live Video Transcription: You’re going to play the waiting. I can’t. It just blanked out. Oh, here we go. We are live. Hey guys. Welcome back to another weekly edition. Today’s topic. We’re talking tubs, tub of peanut butter, tubbs, tubbs. You get in. Oh, like bath bathtubs. I don’t…

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